Monday 14 April 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 14/04/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I started creating and editing my 1 minute promotional video for my Prada DVD in Adobe Premiere Pro. Firstly I gathered a few already existing promotional Prada video clips from from the website. 

I moved one of the clips to the the left window and clipped this clip to where I wanted it to start and finish by using the mark in and mark out buttons. 

I then moved the clip to the timeline with the audio also by clicking  and dragging to the timeline. 

I then added some effects to this clip. I changed the clip to black and white because I prefer black and white and it gives a 'fashion feel'  which suits well to the subject choice. I also think black and white is striking and bold and helps the text in the video stand out better. I then changed the opacity of this film to 60% because there will be a film behind this one and I want both to be seen well, if I had 100% opacity then the film behind could not be seen. 

I then added a transition at the start and the end of the film to make it blend in and out well. I used additive dissolve because I felt that it was the best one and suited my project well and it transitions smoothly. 

I added this to the clip by clicking and dragging the effect onto the start and end of my clip on my timeline. 

I then dragged another clip to the left hand corner and cut out pieces of the clip that I wanted. I clipped pieces out of the clip then moved each piece to the timeline, this time I used the 'Drag video only' button as I did not want the audio from these clips. I then lined up the end so that all the videos will end at the same time as I wouldn't want them ending at different times, I also made sure that the end time of the video is 1 minute. I then added the transitions between clips and used the same transition as before on all transitions to keep it the same. 

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