Monday 7 April 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 07/04/2014

Digital Imaging Software

Today I started creating my DVD label. I wanted this to be quite simple and analysed other DVD labels which I found were also mostly kept quite simple with images and a title with only a few logos.

This DVD label is quite packed full with information which I think is too overpowering, I feel that the simpler the DVD the better. Instead of trying to portray more than one message across I think it would be better to portray one message in a simple idea. I do however like the mini images on this DVD label and think these work well against the darker background. Also I like the way a strip of colour goes across the DVD label and the writing inside this, this makes the text stand out more .

This DVD label is a little too simple and not very interesting as it does not have any images and the text is quite plain. However I like the graduated colour on the DVD label background.

This DVD label is very effective because the title is prominent and clear and all the other information that is less important is much small around the outside of the label. Having one image as the background is very effective and looks great, also everything stands out well against this image background when placed in the correct places such as the white logos stand out well on the characters dark coloured jacket.

This DVD label is very effective, the target audience is well conveyed through this design. The information is prioritised on this disc with the title being the most important and then the least important information being smaller and less significant. I don't like the way the information is spread around the whole disc, it seems like a lot is going on and makes it a bit cluttered. I think the background images look great and the 3D title looks really effective and stands out well against the background. 

My DVD label will be simple and will have one large image as it's background. It will have the Prada logo title and two DVD logos and will also include the title of the DVD.

I started off by finding the image that I wanted for my background. I chose this image because it is bright and colourful which will grab peoples attention and stand out as a background for the DVD label. I placed this image on the canvas and resized it to a desired size. 

I then created the outline shape of the DVD label. I selected custom shape tool and input the measurement (112mm x 112mm) of a circle and had a fill of black and drew this over the image.

I then selected the path selection tool and selected the circle and clicked on the subtract front shape which filled the circle with the background image. 

I then moved the image to where I wanted it to be placed on my DVD label. I then created another circle for the middle of the DVD label by using the custom shape tool again and input the measurements (42mm x 42mm) with a fill colour of white this time. I then selected all by using CTRL + A and aligned the circle vertically and horizontally so that it was in the centre of the outside circle. 

I then created another circle using the same tool and fill colour black with measurements of 21mm x 21mm and aligned this so it was in the centre of the other circles again. 

I then opened the prada logo in another document and deleted the white background with the magic wand tool and moved the logo onto the DVD label and positioned it where it stood out best. 

I then tried to add the title in another font to the DVD label however you could not see the title very well against the background therefore I created a white rectangle across the DVD for the text to go over however this was too white therefore I lowered the opacity slightly to help it blend against the background better. 

Lastly I placed the title on top of the rectangle using the text tool and changed the font accordingly and placed two logos below it.

I then decided that I wanted to change the levels of the image, Therefore I hid the other layers so that just the image was visible and then clicked on the layers button. I then used one of the presets 'Increase contrast 3' because I liked this edit the best because it made the darker parts darker and brighter parts brighter which makes the image less dull and more exciting and bold! The clothing stands out much more such as the flower patterns on the clothing and makes the clothing look much brighter which will attract the audience to the clothing more and make it look more appealing to the customer, hopefully ending in many customer purchases. The contrast making the colour stand out more means that the image as a whole looks portrays a much brighter and happier feeling. Also most fashion images are quite contrasty, there are some example fashion images showing contrast below:

Contrast is even on trend!

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