Monday 31 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 31/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software


In this section I will show where I retrieved all of the existing image material from. As the image content is not my own I will reference the content to not breach copyright. 

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time, with the intention of enabling the creator of intellectual wealth (e.g. the photographer of a photograph or the author of a book) to receive compensation for their work and be able to financially support themselves.


Photographer: Steven Meisel
Photographer: Steven Meisel
Miuccia Prada

Photographer: Steven Meisel

Photographer: Steven Meisel

Photographer: Steven Meisel


Advertising Campaign SS12
Photographer: Steven Meisel


Prada Spring Summer 2009 Full Show High Quality

L'Eau Ambrée by Prada 2009 HQ

Director: Steven Meisel

Prada Fall Winter 2009/2010 HQ Full Show

Video from TVModa






Prada Candy typeface by Gareth Hague.
The Prado logo typeface was developed by the Prada brand alone. The font seems to be from the family 'Agfa-Monotype'.

Engravers Roman Bold is the closest font to Prada font however the 'A' is a different font.

Monday 24 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 24/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I started on the back of my DVD cover. I started by creating white boxes for the text and changing their opacity down to 75% and then adding the text inside the boxes. I then changed the text from black in colour to white. I then created another white box lower down the back cover for some more images to be added into like a film strip. I placed the same stars from the front onto the back cover above the film strip box. I then gathered images from PRADA adverts and added these onto the page, I changed the sizes to small and fitted all three images into the box. I then right-clicked on each layer for each image and went to blending options.

I then changed the blend mode to hard light and to 83%, this gave the image a better effect than the other blend modes. I did the same for all three images to give consistency. I then added other DVD logos underneath this box including copyright, DVD logo, Dolby digital plus and a Bar code.

Monday 17 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 17/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I was still creating the DVD cover and adding items to the design.
Firstly, I created a rectangular box using the measurements for the spine of the DVD cover and chose for this to just have lines where the spine is and have a no fill for the spine. I chose to have the spine with 'no fill' because I wanted the whole image to be seen and continue throughout the front, spine and back of the DVD cover. If I had a fill in the spine I think this would ruin the flow of the cover and become too much of a block. The outline of the rectangular shape for the spine was chosen to be in the colour white to make it stand out from the background but once I had done this I realised that I liked the colour however it stood out from the background too much therefore I changed the opacity down to 75% to create a blending into the background effect, I then decided that I liked this option a lot and done the same for all the other white objects on the DVD cover. I then gathered a DVD logo from online and added this to the DVD cover and made it a lot smaller to fit onto the bottom spine of the DVD cover. I then also gathered an image from PRADA and also made this smaller to fit on the top of the spine.

For the PRADA title on the spine I used the same PRADA logo as on the front of the DVD cover in a separate Photoshop file and I then used the slice tool to slice each letter and rotate it and save them as separate files. I then imported them onto the DVD cover and changed their size to fit inside the spine. 

Monday 10 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 10/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I was still adding items to the DVD cover and putting it together. I created the logo today and placed it on the DVD cover. I found the Prada logo online and then opened it in a separate Photoshop file. I then re-sized the image to the desired size and I then placed the image on the canvas. I then added a layer mask for the logo layer and used the Magic Wand Tool to change the background to a clear background so that the Prada logo was just visible with no background. I then saved this image as a .PNG and then added this file to the DVD cover file.

When the logo was added onto the DVD cover I then placed the file on the front of the DVD cover. I placed this in the middle of the cover and made it quite large as this is an important part of the cover and should be prioritised. I then changed the opacity of this title so that it blended into the cover slightly. 

I then found an image of 5 stars and added this in a separate file on Photoshop and created a layer mask and then selected the white background with the Magic Wand tool and erased it. I then saved this file as a .PNG and added it onto my DVD front cover. I placed this underneath the title as after analysing other DVD cover's I believe that this was the best place to put it on the front cover and also the most visible area to add it to.

I chose the stars to be in black colour because this stands out well against the lighter background and is well visible.

Monday 3 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 03/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I started putting the features of my DVD cover together. I started by gathering the measurements from the VLE for the DVD cover and changing the canvas size in Photoshop. I then changed my desired image to 3D in Adobe Photoshop. Firstly I created a 3D extrusion from the selected layer.
I then clicked on the 'current view' of the image and selected the 'stereo' option. This will allow me to change the image into a 3D anaglyph.

I then changed the distance which changes where the red and blue pieces are and the depth is also changed to change the depth of the anaglyph.