Monday 17 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 17/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I was still creating the DVD cover and adding items to the design.
Firstly, I created a rectangular box using the measurements for the spine of the DVD cover and chose for this to just have lines where the spine is and have a no fill for the spine. I chose to have the spine with 'no fill' because I wanted the whole image to be seen and continue throughout the front, spine and back of the DVD cover. If I had a fill in the spine I think this would ruin the flow of the cover and become too much of a block. The outline of the rectangular shape for the spine was chosen to be in the colour white to make it stand out from the background but once I had done this I realised that I liked the colour however it stood out from the background too much therefore I changed the opacity down to 75% to create a blending into the background effect, I then decided that I liked this option a lot and done the same for all the other white objects on the DVD cover. I then gathered a DVD logo from online and added this to the DVD cover and made it a lot smaller to fit onto the bottom spine of the DVD cover. I then also gathered an image from PRADA and also made this smaller to fit on the top of the spine.

For the PRADA title on the spine I used the same PRADA logo as on the front of the DVD cover in a separate Photoshop file and I then used the slice tool to slice each letter and rotate it and save them as separate files. I then imported them onto the DVD cover and changed their size to fit inside the spine. 

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