Monday 24 March 2014

Digital Imaging Software. MOD003232. 24/03/2014

Digital Imaging Software

In today's lesson I started on the back of my DVD cover. I started by creating white boxes for the text and changing their opacity down to 75% and then adding the text inside the boxes. I then changed the text from black in colour to white. I then created another white box lower down the back cover for some more images to be added into like a film strip. I placed the same stars from the front onto the back cover above the film strip box. I then gathered images from PRADA adverts and added these onto the page, I changed the sizes to small and fitted all three images into the box. I then right-clicked on each layer for each image and went to blending options.

I then changed the blend mode to hard light and to 83%, this gave the image a better effect than the other blend modes. I did the same for all three images to give consistency. I then added other DVD logos underneath this box including copyright, DVD logo, Dolby digital plus and a Bar code.

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